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Ph.D. Student Position at Iowa State University

#1 von Karsten , 25.09.2014 10:09

Folgendes erreichte mich soeben über den SSSA-Ticker:

Please see the following announcement for a PhD position (also attached).

Mike Castellano

One PhD student is sought to work with an interdisciplinary team of scientists on the measurement and modeling of legume nitrogen fixation. The student will work directly with Drs. Sotiris Archontoulis ( and Mike Castellano ( The student will be expected to lead isotopic and other measurements of biological nitrogen fixation in the field/greenhouse and use these measurements to test and improve simulations of biological nitrogen fixation in APSIM, the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator model. Others working on this project include a post-doc (already in place), climatologist, and agronomist. Student must begin by the spring of 2015.


Michael Castellano
Assistant Professor
2104 Agronomy Hall
Department of Agronomy
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1010

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PhD opening - ISU.pdf
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Registriert am: 27.03.2011


Referent/in im zentralen Altlastenmanagement, Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben, Berlin
Wiss. Mitarbeiter-/in Bodenökologie, Uni Kassel

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