A graduate research assistantship is available at Kansas State University for a project that will characterize nutrient stratification and quantify nutrient use efficiency with the addition of cover crops following wheat in a no-till wheat- sorghum-soybean cropping system. The research will involve applied field studies evaluating nutrient stratification, nitrous oxide losses, N uptake, biomass production, and grain production in relation to N supply and cover crops. The student will oversee all aspects of field and laboratory tasks related to this study and will work as part of a collaborative team investigating nutrient management, soil fertility and cropping system related issues. Candidate will complete coursework necessary for a Master of Science degree in Agronomy with a thesis topic related to nutrient use efficiency.
If you have any questions or need additional information please let me know.
Peter J. Tomlinson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor and Extension Specialist for Environmental Quality
Kansas State University, Agronomy Department
2013B Throckmorton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-5501
Office: 785-532-3198; Cell: 785-477-2389
Fax: 785-532-6315
Email: ptomlin@k-state.edu